Happy workers make for happy users

Nobody wants to be greeted by a grumpy host at the reception! Our people’s mood has an immediate effect on the building users’ satisfaction. In other words, happy workers are crucial to us.

A happy employee

In our view, a happy employee is a driven employee, someone who feels at home with The James Company and gives it their all to help achieve our shared ambition: happy users.

Quote I like people around me and this is a nice, busy building. It makes me happy when I can help people with a job in their home. I am a cheerful person by nature. Grumpy people don't exist for me. If someone stands at my counter looking grumpy, they leave happily. Always.
Henny | Servicemanager 900 Mahler

Hospitality is part of who you are

All our people agree on one thing: hospitality is not a skill – you are born with it. Those technical skills? We can teach them with training and coaching-on-the-job. But the engagement, hospitality, and friendliness we are looking for should be there from birth.

Quote It makes me very happy if I can do something for the residents, if I can help them and that makes them happy. Why do I like that? That's just part of me :). I always try to radiate positivity and you will get that back. The longer you work you get to know the residents better and you build a bond. Then you are even more motivated to make them happy!
Roxanne | Pontsteiger Assistant


We conduct an annual survey of our people’s job satisfaction so we can continue to invest in keeping our employees happy. In our most recent survey (2022), they gave their job satisfaction a 7.8 on a scale of 1 to 10. And that makes us happy!

In fact, we saw it reflected in the results of our customer satisfaction surveys held the same year. We asked users to what extent they would recommend The James Company services to their friends, family, and colleagues. The result was an NPS of +44.3. Nice!


Job satisfaction week

Our hospitality managers pay attention to our people’s job satisfaction, day in day out. They do it by visiting the locations, speaking to them at regular times, taking an interest in them personally, hosting regional and country-wide training sessions, and organizing team outings – and then there are the really fun highlights! A highlight like job satisfaction week. We might drop by our locations in a Champagne truck. Or we’ll host a James Family Festival.

Happy people. That’s why we do it.

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