Case | +James

In Hilversum’s lounge…

Hilversum | Hof van Holland | Achmea Real Estate | MVGM Vastgoedmanagement

... you’ll meet Hospitality Host Loes

The centre of Hilversum features a residential building called Hof van Holland, which consists of 41 apartments and 3 townhouses. As you arrive at the front of the building, you will see Loes straight away, in the cosy lounge. This residential building is owned by Achmea Real Estate and managed by MVGM Vastgoedmanagement. The James Company supplies the services on site.

In the beginning

Let’s go back in time. It was November 2017, and the future residents of Hof van Holland were invited to Museum Hilversum for informal drinks. We shared information about the handover of their homes (they were due to get the key just before Christmas) and provided a setting for them to get to know each other. It was the beginning of a new community.

The workplace

Loes proved to be exactly what we needed. When the first residents moved in, she was there as a familiar, friendly face they could turn to with their questions.

Loes was always easy to reach, as her workplace was at the heart of the building. There is a small lounge next to the main entrance, with seating, a kitchen, and a workstation. Based there, Loes could do her work and greet the residents, their visitors, and suppliers.

Quote Loes’ presence always has a good effect on the residential building Hof van Holland. There are three ways to get in touch with her. 1) When people stop and chat, 2) When she takes care of problems and 3) at the regular socializing event for residents.
Linda | Resident Hof van Holland | Hilversum
Quote ‘+James’ added value can be summed up with just one word: connection.
Loek & Maria | Residents Hof van Holland | Hilversum

The working hours

Loes was in the building full time (40 hours a week) during the moving-in phase, which was pretty hectic. Afterwards, her hours were scaled back to 12 hours a week. Loes is in the building:

Tuesday: 3 PM – 7 PM
Thursday: 3 PM – 7 PM
Saturday: 9 AM – 1 PM

The tasks

Loes’ job entails hospitality, repair and other requests, convenience services, and community building.

What does that look like in practice? Well, Loes will let a contractor in to fix a blocked drain while the resident is at work. The request was posted in the residents’ app and Loes and the property managed responded immediately. The residents do not need to worry about who will take receipt of their parcels, of course, because they’re delivered to the BringMe box in the central lobby. When you get back home, everything works properly (whether that’s the barrier, entrance door, or lift). And if something does break down, a push notification lets everyone know in good time. Do you need to borrow some sugar from next door? No problem! After all, you already know each other from the neighbourhood drinks parties that Loes organizes.

Operations Manager
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